Welcome to MQA
Accredited assessment body for the service sectorSpecialising in marketing, sales & customer assurance,
expert in developing industry specific standards of excellence,
helping to grow business
MQA – Market Research Sector Leading Accredited Assessment Body
MQA carries out Assessment not Audit style approach, working with you for successful registration. Where People Matter Most.
Since 1992 MQA has been a niche assessment body specialising in Marketing, Sales and Customer Service and the go-to body for MR standards assessment. We know your business and your world, we have ex-Market Research business practitioners and Fellows of the Society amongst our key assessment people.
MQA helped design and develop the original standards, the evolution of ISO 20252 and enjoyed working alongside the MRS and evolving businesses over the years.
Our people know your people – we know Standards and what helps build better business.
Whatever the query – upgrade to the new version of the Standard, registration, getting started, transfer, surveillance visits – we are here to help in jargon free, down to earth manner.
MQA are assessed and accredited by UKAS against standards: ISO 17021 for management and 17065 is for product to which Market Research sector assessment applies. We meet the requirements of ISO 17021 and ISO 17065 and the applicable requirements of the Accreditation Body UKAS.
Open for Business!
Covid 19, Remote Assessment and continued Quality Assessment to International Standards.
Covid 19 brings upon us new ways of working and MQA is working remotely in order to minimise risk to the health and wellbeing of all people concerned in your organisation and ours. Our Assessor(s) will arrange with you during the planning process, a connection via your preferred channel, for example Teams/Zoom/Skype, in order that the Surveillance or Assessment ‘visit’ can be carried out. They may be working from home, as may you, but rest assured you can show them how good you are and how you meet the standard. They will not hold or keep files or sensitive data seen but will reference them during their reporting process in similar fashion as if they were at your premises ‘live’. A programme schedule will be agreed with you prior to the ‘virtual visit’. On site ‘visits’ have resumed, by agreement.
The contact is with the Lead Assessor alone and the invite comes from you, our client. MQA head office will not be joining the Assessment, so will not need to receive the invite to virtual meetings. You will be furnished with the contact details of the Assessor including their email address. Secure access and minimised risk whilst providing a quality, people friendly assessment is what we set out to achieve.
We understand that internal audits are not necessarily as easy to carry out as before but the standard requires records of such, so sampled internal audits which you may have carried out by various means including remote, on screen/recorded sessions evidence can be accepted.
Simply call or email us to discuss further how you can prepare for safe assessment.
Contact us
01327 350620
MQA is known for our friendly, added value approach to market research assessment, quality assessment, analysis and ISO 9001, ISO 20252 assessment and training. MQA is committed to partnering you for ISO14001 and ISO 27001.
With headquarters in the south west of England, we have assessors covering businesses based all across the UK and working into Europe and around the world.
Tailored for your market sector and designed with full understanding of your business, MQA offers a comprehensive range of public and in-company training courses, including up to date Internal Auditor Training. These include market research assessment, ISO 9001 and quality assured assessment for each of the standards assessed. Expert in developing standards specific to sectors of business, for trade bodies and services, national and international schemes for over 25 years.
Confirmation of an organisation holding an MQA certificate of registration against particular standard(s) is provided upon request.
MQA – Marketing Quality Assurance Ltd – Sandford House, Perry Green Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 2AZ
Tel: 01327 350 620 | info@mqa-ltd.co.uk | MQA Privacy Policy
Registered in England No: 02749419 | Registered Office: Lake House, Market Hill, Royston, Herts